Editors Note: This is stop #21 for Rome! Left photo is the Tiber Bridge in Rome & right is the Charles Bridge in Prague mentioned below.
Dear Clothing Arts,
Just wanted to let you know, my husband and I have been wearing your great pants for many years. On our first trip with them several years ago, we went to Rome. My husband groused a bit about having to unzip and unbutton "just to get his phone" out of his pants pocket. I explained that he didn't have to since there are clever buttons he could use to fasten the tabs out of the way instead of buttoning them to protect the pockets. And what the heck, it's only a brand new iPhone. Maybe he was feeling lucky.
So he secured the phone properly in his pocket, and we headed to the train. I thought it was annoying that a very young girl pushed past us to get in the train first and then just hung on the column at the door. Everyone had to push past her to board the train! Then my husband noticed a tug at his pocket - she had gotten one button only half opened. It was so secure that she couldn't open it entirely without him distinctly feeling it, so his new phone was secure. He picked her up and placed her back on the platform while yelling "pickpocket!" and pointing to her.
She wasn't happy, but we were! Another rider was not as lucky, as a pickpocket had gotten his phone. We explained the P-cubed pants to him and his friends, and he pledged to get some before his next trip.
We both recently got new pairs of the pants and loved the new fabric which easily dries overnight after having been washed out in the sink. Great for lean packing!
This past Christmas I got your new pickpocket proof jacket for my husband. Even he noticed how beautifully it is made! The zippers are awesome. And, as expected, it is safe with lots of room for valuables to be handy yet secure.
We were in the Czech Republic in October, and he wore his jacket. And your advertising is accurate- it keeps him perfectly comfortable in all kinds of weather by simply adjusting the layers he wears underneath.
We have been to Prague before, and it's becoming increasingly popular. We were crossing the Charles Bridge which had a craft fair on it. A couple of young men were visiting with each other and talking and having a great time. Not paying attention to other pedestrians, they bumped into my husband. It turns out they were trying to pick his pocket with his phone. They failed! The jacket is as protective as it is great looking!
So thank you so much for great products! They do all you promise and look great. We will continue to be happy customers and will continue to sell them to our friends and acquaintances.
- Armin from Texas, USA