271 Stopped Pick-Pocket: Pick-Pocket Team Fumbles in Barcelona!


Editor's Note: This is your 29th known stop in Barcelona, and another successful stopped pick-pocket from a traveler wearing our Women's Travel Pants!

Dear Clothing Arts,

I was in Madrid when I read your email about the 249th attempt. A couple of days later, I was in Barcelona. I felt confident with my passport zipped and buttoned on my left side. After my tour group's final dinner at a restaurant, we all walked as a group to the escalators to exit the building.

Within a microsecond, there was a tall man in a black jacket directly in front of me who came from my right side. I saw another man in a black jacket fumble in front of him. As the man in front of me came to a hard stop, I instinctively put my hands up and touched his back because he was too close. Then they disappeared and did not get on the escalator. One of my travel partners on my left side saw this and asked, "Did they get anything - check your pockets."  

My right upper pocket was still zipped (with my remaining couple of Euros). My side pocket was intentionally left unbuttoned as I had nothing in it. I never felt anyone, but I suspect they were hoping for some goodies from my open pocket. I normally carry my phone in this pocket, however, I always kept it in my hand when in public.

In my case, I initially just thought it was someone who stumbled, but after I thought about it, it was their ploy to get close to me. My story might be a good heads-up for others.

I found your product from a Facebook ad a couple of years ago. I bought a couple, knowing I would be traveling after the pandemic subsided. I wear them almost every day! I no longer carry a purse and know I can easily take all my essentials and keep them secure. I don't worry about pickpockets at home, but I love the zippers to keep everything intact. I recently bought my 4th pair!! I need the tall style and am happy they are the perfect length for me.

Thanks for a great product!

- Barbara F. from Minnesota

P.S. I also appreciate the easy hand wash and hang dry quality of the fabric so I always had fresh clothing during my travels.
