Editor's Note: This is your 40th stopped pick-pocket in London... that we know about! Anthony upgraded to our secure travelwear in 2023 and a pair of Adventure Traveler Shorts successsfully frustrated the pick-pocket on the Metro.
Dear Clothing Arts,
I wanted to report on the pickpocket attempt that occurred on Line A of the Rome Metro on June 18. We were in a hurry to get into the Metro during the rush hour at Manzoni station, and as soon as I entered the car, a woman tried to go for my wallet, which was in the left front pocket. Of course, the attempt was unsuccessful, thanks to the security features of your pants.
She left just before the door closed, and we could see that she was being yelled at by her accomplice, probably frustrated that she couldn’t get her prize.
The pants paid for itself!
- Anthony C. from Sunnyvale, California