274 & 275 Stopped Pick-Pockets: I've Stopped Multiple Attempts In Paris Over The Last Decade!!

Editor's Note: This is your 57th and 58th stop in Paris... that we know about!! Angie R. from Newton, Ohio has been wearing our pants since 2016. Over nearly a decade, her pants have stopped multiple pick-pocket attempts in Paris. Her review came in via a ★★★★★ of our Women's Travel Pants. We followed up with Angie to learn more about her experience, which you can read below.  

--- We Followed Up With Angie To Learn More About Her Experience ---

Dear Clothing Arts,

Here is more details on my experience.

In 2016, I was with three friends on Easter weekend in Paris. Waiting in a long line for Gelato, I felt someone brush up against my back pocket. I turned around and saw a young lady walking away from me! Good thing these pants have a zipper and button flap over the pocket!

A second time in Paris, a similar circumstance where I was in a crowd waiting to get into a museum, felt someone brush up against me. These thrives are so slick you hardly feel anything. Anyway, your products really do work! Plus, the quality is excellent!

Thank you,

Angie R. from Newtown, Ohio
