🔴 City with at least one stopped pick-pocket
Dear Clothing Arts,
Editor's Note: This testimonial was originally posted as a review on our Adventure Traveler Pants.
Original Title: In Two Words...They Worked!
Rating: ★★★★★
Product: Adventure Traveler Pants
On October 1, 2018, my wife and I got on a commuter train from Naples to Sorrento, Italy. We had been warned about pickpockets operating in the Naples train station, so I had put on my Pickpocket Proof Travel Pants in anticipation. The train platform was packed and we let the first train fill and leave the station. The second train pulled in and it looked like it would fill before we could get on. At the last second, a young man reached out and, almost literally, pulled us into the train car as the doors were closing. We were standing up and packed so tightly that sardines couldn't have breathed! For next 30 minutes, we rode cheek-by-jowl (and other body parts) with fellow train passengers. The man who helped me on the train was right next to me the whole time, and several times I thought I felt his hand on my thigh. Finally, the train car thinned out so I could turn away from him. He got off at the next stop and I reached down to my right front pocket: the button was undone, the zipper was halfway down - but my wallet was safe in my velcro pocket! Cash, ID and credit cards all safe. These pants were the best investment of my trip!
- Scott from Colorado, USA
Dear Clothing Arts,
I was in the Galleria dell'Accademia (the museum where Michelangelo’s David statue is) in Florence last December and it was mobbed. Some of the galleries were really crushed in. When I left the museum I discovered that the zipper on my right hand-pocket had been pulled up to the button over flap. Someone clearly tried to unzip the pocket but was stopped by the flap.
Thank you Clothing Arts!
- Jeffrey W from Pennsylvania, USA
Editors Note: This is stop #21 for Rome! Left photo is the Tiber Bridge in Rome & right is the Charles Bridge in Prague mentioned below.
Dear Clothing Arts,
Just wanted to let you know, my husband and I have been wearing your great pants for many years. On our first trip with them several years ago, we went to Rome. My husband groused a bit about having to unzip and unbutton "just to get his phone" out of his pants pocket. I explained that he didn't have to since there are clever buttons he could use to fasten the tabs out of the way instead of buttoning them to protect the pockets. And what the heck, it's only a brand new iPhone. Maybe he was feeling lucky.
So he secured the phone properly in his pocket, and we headed to the train. I thought it was annoying that a very young girl pushed past us to get in the train first and then just hung on the column at the door. Everyone had to push past her to board the train! Then my husband noticed a tug at his pocket - she had gotten one button only half opened. It was so secure that she couldn't open it entirely without him distinctly feeling it, so his new phone was secure. He picked her up and placed her back on the platform while yelling "pickpocket!" and pointing to her.
She wasn't happy, but we were! Another rider was not as lucky, as a pickpocket had gotten his phone. We explained the P-cubed pants to him and his friends, and he pledged to get some before his next trip.
We both recently got new pairs of the pants and loved the new fabric which easily dries overnight after having been washed out in the sink. Great for lean packing!
This past Christmas I got your new pickpocket proof jacket for my husband. Even he noticed how beautifully it is made! The zippers are awesome. And, as expected, it is safe with lots of room for valuables to be handy yet secure.
We were in the Czech Republic in October, and he wore his jacket. And your advertising is accurate- it keeps him perfectly comfortable in all kinds of weather by simply adjusting the layers he wears underneath.
We have been to Prague before, and it's becoming increasingly popular. We were crossing the Charles Bridge which had a craft fair on it. A couple of young men were visiting with each other and talking and having a great time. Not paying attention to other pedestrians, they bumped into my husband. It turns out they were trying to pick his pocket with his phone. They failed! The jacket is as protective as it is great looking!
So thank you so much for great products! They do all you promise and look great. We will continue to be happy customers and will continue to sell them to our friends and acquaintances.
- Armin from Texas, USA
Editors Note: This is stop #20 for Rome!
Dear Clothing Arts,
I bought my two pairs of Adventure Travel pants for my trip to Italy three years ago, including Naples which is the second riskiest city in the world for pickpockets. My pants thwarted THREE attempts on mass transit. We always try to use mass transit as it is how the locals travel.
We are all crowded in together and as they attempted to get past the button and zipper I could feel their efforts and called them out.
It is ideal pickpocket country. Actually, in hindsight, two were on the buses in Naples and one was on the subway in Rome.
I have since purchased the dress version.
Bill from New York, USA
(Left) Arch of Constantine in Rome, Italy | (Right) Aerial View of Las Ramblas in Barcelona, Spain
Editor's Note: This stopped pick-pocket story originally comes from a ***** star review on our Pick-Pocket Proof® Adventure Travel Pants. Our Founder / Designer immediately reached out and was able to get some more detailed information on the stopped pick-pocket experiences. Check out Clark's original review and full email below!
Dear Clothing Arts,
I don't know if you remember, however I ordered the Travel Pants, but they were not scheduled to arrive until after we departed. You answered the phone as you were leaving the shop, and personally got me the Adventure pants - overnight - as a replacement!! (BTW-I just ordered the Travel pants yesterday in anticipation of my 6th trip to Russia, searching for the remains of Grand Duke Mikhail Romanov. The GD, brother of Tsar Nikolas, was actually the last Tzar and was murdered in June 1918 outside the city of Perm.)
Incident #1 - Barcelona
We were walking on a side street of Las Ramblas, actually in the market - fish, meat, pastries, cheese, vegetables...and it was crowded! I felt someone brush against me - not unusual, however their hand was trying to open my front right pocket. I never got a good look at the perpetrator due to the movement of the crowd.
Incident #2 - Rome
I have lived and worked in many countries and try to blend. I usually buy a local newspaper and shove it under my arm, hoping the locals will think I belong. Unfortunately I did not have time to purchase a paper and was trying to figure out the train platform and departure time. I just looked lost and harried and hence a target for being bumped into with the intent of relieving me of my wallet. The individuals who "bumped" into me were very apologetic and, of course, worried about the mess they had made with my clothes, especially the pants which they tried to smooth out! Sorry about their luck!
- G. Clark from Colorado, USA
Photos Taken By Mike In Rome!
Dear Clothing Arts,
I always watch TV food shows for the best places to eat before traveling. Going to Rome was no different. After a long day of tours in St. Peter's Basilica and the Museum, I looked forward to my walk around to the backside of the Vatican to a highly recommended pizza place. The place was packed and by the time my order was ready I found that someone had been working on my right front pocket. Originally, I had the zipper down with the tab inside and the fold over button flap secured yet only the zipper was moved up to that flap - I didn't feel a thing! It wasn't the 30 or so Euros I had in that first pocket but the 1600 Euros in the interior zipped pocket I was happy to find intact. These pants do exactly what they claim. I've since purchased the jacket, another pair of pants and the shorts. Great product. I would highly recommend.
- Mike from Utah, USA
Editor's Note: It's a common trick for pick-pockets to stake out ATM's around the world, especially in tourist-prone areas. We suggest using enclosed ATM's when possible and storing your cash in your double and triple secure pockets.
Dear Clothing Arts,
This was in Florence Italy. I had gone to the ATM. I put the money in the hidden pocket and then zipped both pockets. A few hours later I discovered that my outer pocket was unzipped, I never felt a thing but my Euros were safely inside the inner hidden pocket. A HUGE sigh of relief waved over me!
Thank you!!!
- Jo from California, USA
Jo and her husband both wearing their Pick-Pocket Proof Pants on their trip!
Editor's Note: This stop comes to us via a new 5 Star review on our Pick-Pocket Proof® Adventure Travel Pants. Winston was traveling on the #64 bus in Rome when a fellow passenger attempted to unzip his waist-side pocket.
The #64 bus in Rome is one of the biggest hotspots for pick-pockets in the city. The line runs East to West across the Tiber River; from the center of the city to the Vatican and Castel Sant'Angelo. If you have a trip coming up to Rome or are thinking about going in the future, make sure to be mindful of this bus line. It is very convenient to get to some major sights but make sure to be observant of your surroundings!
Winston's experience brings our stopped pick-pocket total in Rome to 17! We've posted a screenshot of the review below.
Editor's Note: Sometimes our testimonials are short and sweet. This is our 16th stop in Rome and our 6 stop on a Roman Metro train!
Dear Clothing Arts,
While on the subway in Rome, three weeks ago, it was very crowded and lots of jostling. When the crowd thinned I found both zippers unzipped but my wallet was secured in the inner pocket and no loss.
I've had these pants for about 3 years and am really happy with them. Excellent customer service as well.
Jim from California, USA