By David ʻThornyʼ Hafner "All who wander are not lost... well, maybe sometimes."
From Stella Point, it was a fairly easy walk of 30 minutes to Uhuru Peak. If there is such a thing as an easy walk at 19,000 feet, to the very top of Kilimanjaro! Rising to 19,341 feet, a new altitude record for me, I put on my tuxedo jacket and took some photos.
Itʼs always good to have a plan, that way, you know when things go amiss. The plan was to fly into Nairobi, Kenya, and spend a few days exploring the area before going on a photo safari to the Great Migration of the wildebeest herds in the Maasai Mara. After that, an independent climb up Mount Kenya in order to help acclimate for a climb to the roof of Africa, Mount Kilimanjaro.
It started out well enough.
I arrived in Nairobi, took a cab to a nice hostel on the outskirts of the city, and then spent a few days exploring the sites. First was the Farm of Karen Blixen, the author of Out of Africa, one of my favorite books. Then the Railroad Museum, the highlight of which was the actual sleeping car where the man-eating lions of Tsavo crept into and ate the professional hunter that was using it to ambush the lions. You may remember this from the movie, The Ghost in the Darkness. Next stop, safari.