🔴 City with at least one stopped pick-pocket
Dear Clothing Arts,
One more story about pickpockets being thwarted. We just returned from Paris last night, where we were accosted a few days earlier on the street by a small group of young women holding petition sign-up sheets on clipboards. We were emphatic about not being interested, but one of the women got right up to my chest and shoved the clipboard against me. I immediately felt her fingers in my right shirt pocket, underneath the clipboard, caught the fingers, and pulled them out. My credit card was safe in the zippered part of the pocket. I bought the pants and two of the shirts, and wore them the whole time we traveled -- and this event made me very glad I had the extra security I had always wished I had but didn't really know how to accomplish. Now I know! Thanks to Clothing Arts, and now I'm a confirmed user.
- Raymond from California, USA
Dear Clothing Arts,
In March of this year (2017), we spent two weeks in France. Since I was concerned over the pick-pocket warnings, I bought two pairs of your pants; one pair of the adventure and one of the business. While in Paris, we were with a group of about twenty. It was the day of the Paris Marathon and the Metro was packed. We were packed in like sardines. I was hanging on to one of the poles and my wife was hanging on to my arm. I felt a tug at my left front pocket. I immediately asked my wife if her other hand was hanging on to my belt. She said ‘No’ and I said loudly, ‘Someone just tried to pick my pocket!’ I reached down and found the button undone, but the zipper was intact. There was a man standing directly behind me and he was jammed up against me. He tried looking away. Me and my wife just stared at him until we got off at the next stop. There were also two young French girls clutching their purses to their chests. They also started staring at him. I had been warned by my local guide that the #1 line was the most popular Metro for thieves. I was saved but, unfortunately, one of the other men in our group lost his wallet to a pick-pocket at Charles de Gaul Airport. Two other ladies were also pick-pocketed. They got one lady’s wallet and another lady in our group had her whole purse snatched. I am so fortunate that your pants saved me the time and aggravation of being a victim. I am so impressed that I plan on ordering a couple of more pairs and some for my wife, as well. Then she won't have to carry a purse.
- Fred, Texas, USA
Dear Clothing Arts,
I have had my pockets picked twice in Europe, once in the Netherlands and once in Paris. I was looking for a pair of pick-pocket-proof pants for my 2017 trip to Paris and purchased a pair of Clothing Arts pants for the trip. On April 18th in the Paris Metro, a person attempted to pick my pockets. My wife watched him and he saw her watching and he still proceeded. We got off of the Metro at the next stop, not ours, and as I was leaving the car I felt a tug on my pants, reached down, pulled the arm, and bent the fingers I found as far back as I could. What I should have done is pulled the arm attached to the fingers such that they would get caught in the door. Doors on French Metro cars do not open as elevator doors in the U.S. Once starting to close they do not reopen for an arm. Needless to say, the pants stopped the pick-pocket although the button on the strap was open. So he got that far. I understand this incident is #48 overall and #8 in Paris. I highly commend ClothingArts for designing a tremendous product that is pick pocket proof as well as being extremely well made and comfortable. I highly recommend the product to anyone who travels.
- Gil, Pennsylvania, USA
Editor's Note: We were first made aware of our 47th stopped pick-pocket through a 5 star review on our Pick-Pocket Proof ® Adventure Travel Pants! Art, a traveler from Virginia, described being "felt up" while visiting the Palace at Versailles. We followed up with him for more detail on his experience. Here's what Art had to say:
Dear Clothing Arts,
I absolutely believe I was being groped by a pick pocket or two! I felt my wallet and cash were secure since I had them in my front pocket and then in the pocket with a Velcro cover, pocket zippered up and it was buttoned! The zipper on one of my pockets was moved down somewhat near the clasped button. My wife was near me and immediately asked if our items were secure since she saw a few fellows close to me. Paris is a fantastic city but I believe they have some of the most professional pick pockets in the world.
Your customer service is OUTSTANDING! I had placed my order in early February purposely for the March Paris trip. Customer service called me and told me my order was delayed due NIS issues. I mentioned I ordered them for the Paris trip. They said they would annotate my order but couldn't promise me if I would received the order on time. The week we were going to leave they called me and said they could get my order but not in the color I wanted. I readily accepted it and I received the pants a day or two before the trip. If I wasn't wearing those pants, I believe I could have been a victim of a pick pocket.
- Art, Virginia, USA
Editor's Note: We get our testimonials in many ways and for our 45th and 46th stopped pick-pockets we had a long-time traveler write in on our Facebook page. Although we don't have too many details surrounding these stops we do know that one happened in Paris (2013) and one in Rome (2015). These stops bring our city totals to 6 in Paris and 17 in Rome! We wrote to our traveler and asked for more information on the stop, here's what he said:
Dear Clothing Arts,
3 shorts, 1 pair of convertible pants, & 1 shirt. They have served me well over the years. I'm was 65 in Paris and am 69 now. Both times it was my wallet pocket that got hit.
- Malcolm, Arizona, USA
Dear Clothing Arts,
I think I have set the record for thwarting pickpockets while wearing Clothing Arts pants and shirts.
Twice in the Paris Metro, the World Olympics of pick-pocketing, I have been accosted by pickpockets. On both occasions, to their befuddlement. they came up with nothing.
In Dakar, Senegal, an otherwise extremely safe city, pickpockets who exist there in large numbers, tried to pickpocket me. Both times, they failed to abscond with anything. In short, my investment in your products have already have paid for themselves many times over.
- Rick from New Jersey, USA
Editors' Note: This is our third stopped pick-pocket attempt on the Metro.
Dear Clothing Arts,
Got back last night. I suspect that someone tried to “get into my pants” in Lyon and certainly on the Metro in Paris.
Got patted down at least three times in the crowded subway each time I changed trains. The French voleur never got past the button on my Pick Pocket Proof Adventure Pants.
Thanks and good job Clothing Arts!
Howard from La Jolla, California, USA
Dear Clothing Arts,
Paris in September 2016 10:45 pm approaching the entrance to the subway after a wonderful dinner cruise on the river. We were cased by a young man and met with several waiting pickpockets at the entrance. My boyfriend was last to go through the turnstile and as he did he was grouped by one of the men. All his valuables were secure and the pickpocket's plans were foiled. Yes!
We traveled with two pairs of pickpocket proof slacks and a pair of pickpocket proof shorts for a two week trip. They hand wash and dry quickly in the hotel room
Jeanine from USA
Dear Clothing Arts,
My wife and I were recently on vacation in Paris, wearing your pants. We were viewing the Eiffel Tower at somewhat of a distance. There was a gentleman on my left side who looked like a regular tourist. I was so involved with looking straight ahead at the tower that I didn't notice him trying to take something out of the the left front pocket. I had it all zipped up and he couldn't get anything.
He must have been a real professional as I barely felt anything. My wife saw him try, fail and walk away. We just let the guy go as we didn't want to cause a commotion and he didn't get anything.
We're very happy with your pants and each of us have a pair. We're glad we have them!
Joe from San Diego, USA.
Dear Clothing Arts,
My wife and I were on a trip to southern France recently. It was my first trip wearing my new P3 pants. I kept my wallet & passport in the left cargo pocket (snap + buttons) and my iPhone in the right cargo pocket.
As we were boarding a train at a small station one stop beyond the main station at Nice, I felt a small tug at the left pocket. I instinctively slapped at the hand as I turned around to see a young woman and a male companion looking at me as if to say “How dare you foil our attempt to pick your pocket!”.
That one incident made the purchase price worth every penny. Beyond that, I have to say that the pants were very comfortable. I wore them every day and rinsed them out only once.
Bob from Indiana, USA